Actualization Of Islamic Moderaism In Local Culture Inculturation In Indonesia (Critical Analysis, Challenges, and Their Applications in Overcoming Extreme Understanding at Universities in the Sumbagsel and Banten Regions)

Moh. Mukri ,Kamran ,Agus Hermanto
Keywords: Actualization, Moderatism, Inculturation ,


The impact of global progress has actually led to the rise of issues of radical ideology, such as the extreme right and extreme left movements, and even secular and caliphate ideologies, each of which undermines the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Lairan right is a fundamental ideology that always adheres to a textual understanding that does not want to accept the reality of globalization, social change, and advances in technology and information. Meanwhile, the left is the exact opposite, abandoning the religious frame and demanding the modern world as a whole, which then becomes extreme, even secular. What is interesting to study is how to modernize the actualization of Islamic moderatism in the inculturation of local culture in Indonesia? The purpose of this study is to understand the modernization of the actualization of Islamic moderatism in the inculturation of local culture in Indonesia. This research is a field research (field research). That is research conducted by looking at the reality of the field. The dangers of secularism in religion in the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and instilling the values ​​of modernizing the actualization of Islamic moderation in the inculturation of local culture in Indonesia. Countermeasures against radical ideas in Universities in the South Sematra and Banten regions in particular to explore more local wisdom as a tool or a way to encourage the community, especially the younger generation, to respond to radical ideas. It is proposed that there is a reintroduction, in-depth understanding and consolidation of the concept of local wisdom through the sectors of a more specific socio-religious approach, especially in the religious and social sectors of society. At least the local wisdom in Indonesia, especially in the Universities of South Sumatra and Banten, can make the community build on the basis of social modesty with 6 (six) commendable characters; 1) Build trust (trustworthiness), 2) Build compliance and mutual respect (respect), 3) Build a sense of responsibility (responsibility), 4) Build integrity, honesty (fairness), 5) Build a sense of care and empathy (caring), 6) Build a strong sense of belonging to the region, aware of regulations and aware of the law (citizenship).