Current Article
Vol. 16 No. 3 (2023): March 2023

Arrangement and Implementation of the President's Prerogative in Appointment and Dismissal of Ministers of State in the Presidential System in Indonesia
Harpani Matnuh ,Chairil Faif Pasani ,Susan Fitriasari
The purpose of this research is to analyze the arrangement and implementation of the prerogative of the President of Indonesia in appointing and dismis

Implementasi Kewarisan Adat di Sumatera dalam Tinjauan Maqashid Syari’ah dan Ketatanegaraan Indonesia
Mohammad Ridwan
Di dalam Adat masyarakat Sumatera mayoritas masyarakat beragama Islam, oleh karena itu secara otomatis segala aspek kehidupannya harus berasaskan Islam

New media use and Healthy lifestyle A literature review
Alya Saleh Alhajeri ,Doctor Kamarul Zaman bin Haji Yusoff
A key component of sustainable socioeconomic growth and development is healthy living. Healthy people are better able to handle life's problems and enj

The semantic discrepancy in the discourse of the Corona pandemic crisis through the media: a study in the Great countries leaders' speech
Salwan Abdali Kadhim
When future historians of the twentieth century searched for the unique things of this age, they found it almost certain that one of the most important

Heritage Trail as a Method to Maintain the Historical Area
Ari Widyati Purwantiasning ,Saeful Bahri
This paper is part of the results of a literature study about heritage trails and their implementation of it as a method to maintain historical areas.

A Brief Review: Implementation Of Intellectual Property For Several Sectors In Indonesia
Akhyar ,Zulfadhli ,Taufik Fuadi Abidin ,Samadi ,Sri Walny Rahayu ,Andri Kurniawan
This review focuses on reporting several recent publications on Intellectual Property (IP) in Indonesia. This review is a brief description of the prog

Legal Responsibilities for Assuring the Occupational Safety and Health of Vietnam Enterprises in the Context of Integrating
Dao Mong Diep
In the current market economy and international economic integration, the issue of occupational safety and hygiene is increasingly closely related

Recognition and legal protection of community ulayat rights (study in the legal territory of west papua)
Choiruddin wachid ,Syahruddin nawi ,Sufirman rahman ,Ilham abbas
The purpose of this research is to analyze the nature of ulayat rights as the rights of indigenous peoples in West Papua. The me

Probing the level of importance of the current bank lending policies
Rolly San Jose, Phd
The profitability and productivity problem that has been plaguing the banking industry as of late has become a contentious and puzzling point of discus

The Human Rights Perspective Of The Educational Rights Of Asylum Seeking Refugee Children
Ni Luh Gede Astariyani ,I Nyoman Prabu Buana Rumiartha ,Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi
Upholding human rights in the context of education is manifested in the form of the right to education. Realizing this right requires equal distributio

The Role of the Jordanian Constitutional Legislator in Protecting the Essence of Right A Comparative study* Second researcher Senior Researcher
Dr; Ibrahim ,Mohammad Ali Alnawafleh ,Pro.dr; Hamdi Sulaiman ,Suhaiman Alqubailat
International treaties and constitutions guarantee that the fundamental nature of rights and freedoms is unaffected by any bias or deviation from them,

The impact of dealing with financial derivatives on financial risks in banking institutions
Raghad fawzi al-taaii ,Maha Abbas towman
The subject of financial derivatives is one of the most controversial and diverse topics because it has negative and positive effects on economic activ

Analysis of Priorities for Affirmative Action Policy Measures in Education
Ji-Hyun Jang
The aim of this study is to identify priorities among the policy measures for affirmative action in the field of education by means of consulting ten K

Measures to Improve Women’s Rights and Interests in Developing Countries in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Utilization of Educational ODA
Ji-Hyun Jang
The disastrous effects of COVID-19 have been numerous, and among these has been an adverse effect on women’s rights. This study aimed to examine the

Egyptian Hittite relations from Urḫi-Tešub rule to the peace treaty
Zainab Ali Jasem ,Asst. Prof.Dr. Areej Ahmed Hussein
Pharaoh Ramesses II coincided with the reign of the Hittite King Muwatalli II, and the relations between the parties were somewhat tense, so there was

industrial development problems in Baghdad Governorate
Ammar Abdul Karim Khaitan ,Prof. Dr. Intisar Hassoun Reda
In order to achieve significant and effective results through industrial development, the necessary means and mechanisms for this shall be secured, rep

The oral resources in the study of sebatik society’s social history (malaysia-indonesia) between spatial and opportunity
Eko Prayitno Joko ,Syahruddin Awang Ahmad ,Md. Saffie Abdul Rahim ,Ramli Dollah ,Zaini Othman ,Abdul Rahman Mad Ali@Abang ,Junaidah Awang Jambol ,Marja Azlima Omar
Although oral sources can allow historians to reconstruct the past, they are not properly utilized by those who study them. This matter is made worse w

Understanding the reasons for motivation and personal branding via usage and gratification of twitter
Syahruddin Ag Ahmad
This research investigates several strategic reasons behind the motives of the usage of Twitter among University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students and how

Pas in the political stage and its role in helping with victory and the gabungan rakyat sabah (grs)-barisan nasional (bn) government in east malaysia (borneo)
Nordin Sakke ,Rahimin Mustafa ,Ramli Dollah ,Eko Prayitno Joko ,Adi Jafar
PAS has been established in Sabah for more than 3 decades. The establishment of PAS in Sabah is in line with the objective of creating a society that c

Data Integration Model As Mandatory Of The Population Administration Law In Supporting The Implementation Of Case Settlement With A Restorative Justice Approach By The Prosecutor Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Dimas Sigit Tanugraha
This study aims to find a data integration model in supporting the process of resolving cases with restorative justice. Each law enforcer, both the pol

Urgency Of Air Defense Identification Zone (Adiz) To Support Indonesia Air Defense System
Yuwono Agung Nugroho ,Atip Latipulhayat ,Ida Bagus R Supancana ,Indra Perwira
The development of international law, especially the 1982 UNCLOS, has had a very significant impact on the development of air law as a result of the ex

Sustainable Agriculture in Vocational High School (SMK) agriculture major: CIPP evaluation model
Fitriani. R ,Usman Rianse ,Jamaluddin Hos ,Idrus Salam
The transformation of conventional agriculture towards sustainable agriculture requires the role of formal education. The purpose of this study is to e

Politics Of Land Registration Law
Syamsuddin Pasamai
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2043), known as the Basic Agrarian Law, abbreviated as UUPA. Article 19, paragraph (1) UUPA, contains an or

Impact of IFRS Adoption on Earnings Management Practices: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Faisal Hassan
Purpose: This paper aims to study the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on Earnings Managem

Comparative Organizational Development Among Micro – Small Scaled Enterprises: A Pandemic Introspection
Dr. Steve Salamat Guansi
The study entitled “Comparative Organizational Development among Micro – Small Scaled Enterprises” sought answers on the following specific probl

Participation of Muslim consumers in boycotts of global companies' products: Social dilemma perspectives
Nur Asnawi ,Muhammad Asnan Fanani ,Nina Dwi Setyaningsih
This study aims to investigate the motivation of Muslim consumers to boycott the products of companies whose policies support LGBT legality. The act of

Comparative Organizational Development Among Micro – Small Scaled Enterprises: A Pandemic Introspection
Dr. Steve Salamat Guansi
The study entitled “Comparative Organizational Development among Micro – Small Scaled Enterprises” sought answers on the following specific probl

Understanding the concept of Islamic education: A narrative review
Dr.Haifa F. Fawares
Education is widely recognized as a key factor in forming a brighter future for individuals and communities. However, what constitutes education and wh

The Correlation Between Human Resources And Organizational Practices
Dr. Shatha Hawarna ,Prof. Aahad M. Osman-Gani
This study examines the effect and relationship among Human Resources Development Practices HRDP through selected four variables; (Leadership, employee

Human Resource Development Practices And Their Impacts- Critical Review
Dr. Shatha Hawarna ,Dr. Walid Salameh ,Dr. Hamda Al Mansoori
Human Resource Development (HRD) is crucial for improving organisational performance. Several scholars have endeavoured to identify the essential eleme

Challenges In Implementing Online Assessment Strategies To Improve EFL Students' Proficiency “If We Wish To Discover The Truth About An Educational System, We Just Look Into Its Assessment Procedures.” (Rowntree, 1977, P. 1)
Walid Salameh , Shatha Hawarna
Teachers must make use of a range of technological tools to evaluate students' learning skill. This is as a result of the pandemic condition, where onl

The Relationship between Attendance Policies and Final Grades among College Students at a Private University in Dubai “Eighty percent of success is showing up” Woody Allen
Walid Salameh ,Shatha Hawarna
The aim of this research paper was to investigate the correlation between attendance policies and students’ final grades, furthermore, it aims to inv

Effect Of Earnings Opacity On Cost Of Equity
Zuhrohtun ,Kunti Sunaryo
This study aims to investigate the effect of earnings opacity on the cost of capital as measured by an index of earnings opacity which is constructed f

Hybrid Justice System: Efforts Of Legal Internalization Living In The Criminal Justice System
Eva Achjani Zulfa ,Bayquni
There is a dualism of justice, namely traditional and modern justice. Various authors note that there are legal problems that live in a society which a

The Importance of Criminal Data Integration Digitalization as The Base for Implementing Restorative Justice in Indonesia
Dimas Sigit Tanugraha ,Tedi Sudrajat
Demographics are one of the important things that determine and influence the direction of legal policy in Indonesia, including the policy of tracing t

Publicity and the semiotics of the acting performance in the performance of the Baghdadi Circle of Love
Marthed Abdullah Judaain ,AS. P. D Musab lbrahim Muhammad
Advertising is a media communication method that presents the message via audio and visual advertising, employing the stimulus and the exciting, leadin

Digital literacy management in increasing student learning outcomes in health and sports physical education in drive schools (Case Study of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning (PJOK) Athlete Students at SMA Negeri 1 Lembang, West Bandung Regency
Suharyanto H Soro ,Lilis Syaripah ,Ali Taryana
The term literacy in the world of education refers to a person's skills and abilities in the realm of reading, writing, speaking, calculating, and solv

Enhancing the Internal Quality Assurance System in School of Pedagogy for Instructional Quality Improvement. (A descriptive study at Indraprasta University and STKIP Kusuma Negara, Jakarta)
Muhammad Lukman ,Iim Wasliman ,Hanafiah ,Yosal Iriantara
The problem in this study is the management of the internal quality assurance system (SPMI) in the academic field to improve the quality of instruction

Model of Human Resource Management in Pesantren -Based Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Dery Jamaludin Basari ,Iim Wasliman ,Achmad Mudrikah ,Agus Mulyanto
Human resource management becomes very important for educational institutions in achieving their goals. Excellent educational institutions are certainl

Quality Improvement Management in Preparing Graduates to Enter State Universities
Tri Yulinda Narayanti ,Ade Tutty R Rosa ,N Dede Khoeriah ,Helmawati
High School is an educational institution that is very important for the nation's children. SMA as a formal institution that aims to educate is very he

Strategic Management in Boarding Schools to Produce Highly Competitive Graduates (Case Study of Riyadhul Jannah Islamic Boarding School in Subang and MA Sirnarasa in Ciamis)
Suhandy Siswoyo ,Iim Wasliman ,Hanafiah ,Supyan Sauri
Education experts agree that the low quality of education is caused by various factors, including the low competency of teachers and education staff, t

The influence of competence, motivation, human resource management and leadership style on employee performance in the education service of tangerang district
Eko Warso ,Heru Sujiarto ,Achmad Mudrikah ,Andriana Gaffar
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of competence, motivation, human resource management and leadership style on employee performance (

The influence of leadership style, supervisory and organizational culture on employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable (Descriptive Study of Quantitative Analysis of Employee Performance at the Education and Culture Office of Sera
Alfian Mubarok ,Ade Tutty R Rosa ,Achmad Mudrikah ,Andriana Gaffar
The purpose of this study in general is to analyze and describe the significant direct or indirect positive influence of leadership style, supervision

Efforts To Penetrate Customer Loyalty Through Customer Relationship Management
Redi Nusantara ,Augusty Tae Ferdinand ,I Made Sukresna
The increasing growth of SMEs in Magetan, especially in the field of convection, has resulted in every MSME competing in keeping customers from switchi

Technology Adaptation in the Covid-19 Period for Teachers at Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools Yogyakarta Teaching Campus Program Indonesia
Wantini ,Suyatno ,An-Nisa Apriani ,Djamaluddin Perawironegoro ,Mhd. Lailan Arqam
One of the problems that arise in learning during the pandemic is the level of teacher readiness in adapting to technology. Teachers are required to ca

Critical Assessment and International Comparisons of Vietnam’s Franchise Law
Nguyen Ba Binh ,Pornchai Wisuttisak
The paper study on legal framework of franchise law in Vietnam and compare to internal legal framework on franchises. Franchising has just appeared in

Sustaining Livelihood for Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia Employing an Integrated Approach: A Concept Paper
Mahadevan Krishnan ,Hamoon Khelgat Doost ,Jamilah Ahmad ,Suriati Saad ,Suzyrman Sibli
Rohingya refugees who have suffered genocide in their home country Myanmar live in semi-urban and major city areas in Malaysia in search of economic op

Economic Stimulus Policy As A Government Effort To Address The Impact Of Covid-19 On The National Economy
Tommy Leonard ,Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
The economy is one of the three main pillars of development in addition to social and political. Indonesia is a developing country that carries out nat

Living Religiously and The Paradox of Indonesia’s Democracy: Evidence from a Shariah Property Study in Semarang, Central Java
Muhammad Adnan ,Budi Setiyono ,Anita Amaliyah
The manifestation of religion into daily life is crucial for Muslims, with the shariah way of life serving as a code of conduct for everyday living. It

Over View Of Gene Editing Technology And Its Application To Produce Designer Babies
Pushpa K H ,Shampa I Dev
Genome editing[1] is a powerful new tool for making precise additions, deletions, and alterations to the genome—

Analysis of the geometric and morphometric characteristics of Wadi Abu Jalud basin and their impact on water revenue using geographic information systems
Omar Mkhilif Hasson Jabr ,Ass. prof Dr suhailaalibrahimi
Geometric morphometric studies are of great importance in the study of hydrology through inputs and outputs represented by natural changes such as rela

Statistical analysis of industrial laboratories in Nahrawan sub-district and adjacent areas for the year 2022
Hussein Ali Hussein ,Intisar Hassoun Reda
Introduction Research problem What are the local patterns that characterize the industries in the Nahrawan sub-district and adjacent a

The Impact of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring Strategies on social collaboration and reading comprehension: A Quasi-Experimental Study on Emotional Behavioral Disorders Students in Indonesia
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The research conducted to check the impact of reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) strategy on the social collaboration and achievements of reading comprehen

The effect of class room management on student academic performance of Indonesia education institutions: A PLS-SEM approach study
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of classroom management (CRM) characteristics on student academic performance (ACP) in Indonesian edu

Perceptions of Finance teachers to teach Finance subjects through distance learning during Covid-19: A study on Indonesian universities
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
This research intends to evaluate distance learning strategies and university plans which are applied and followed in different higher education instit

Trainee’s Perceptions for Evaluating Training Programs Effectiveness in Preparing Management Studies Instructors: A Quantitative Study on Indonesia Educational Institutions
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
The research objective was to recognize the training programs (TRP) effectiveness to formulate the management studies teachers of Indonesia with the in

Impact of leadership behavior on lecturers job satisfaction: moderating effect of educational quality management
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
Current research purpose to investigate the moderating effect of educational quality management (EQM) between association of leader’s behavior (LEB)

The Effect of Job Based and Environmental Factors in Enrollment of Higher Learning Institutions in Indonesia
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
University level education become an important human right that could help to fulfill their basic needs. When it comes to higher education, numer

Technology integration in higher secondary schools and its impact on engagement and satisfaction A case on Indonesia
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
This study aims to explore the effectiveness of technology integration on the students’ motivation and engagement. For data collection, the researche

Moderating Role of Administrative Support between Curriculum Management and Graduates Programs Viability An Evidence from Indonesian Educational Institutions
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga
The research objective was to check the mediating influence of institutional effectiveness (INE) among curriculum management (CUM) and graduates progra

Determinants to Improve Management Studies Students’ E-Learning Quality A Study on Indonesian Public Sector Universities
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The research objective to investigate the impact of course design, managerial supports, technical support, administrative support, learner characterist

Impact of Family Support, Teacher Support, Interest and Academic Reason on Career Decision Making A Case on Indonesia University Students
Siti Ma’rifah ,Obsatar Sinaga ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
This study investigates the impact of family support (FAS), teacher support (TES), interest (INT) and academic reason (ACR) on career decision-making (

Sabilulungan: Form Of Social Capital In Mapag Menak In Community Empowerment In Padepokan Art Of Culture Of Saung Langit Village Nagrak Regency Bandung
Mirna Nur Alia Abdullah ,Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim ,Opan Suhendi Suwartapradja ,Cik Suabuana
Social capital as a whole of actual and potential resources related to ownership is based on mutual knowledge and recognition. In Nangrak Village, it i

Role Model of Eradicating the Land Mafia in Indonesia
Aarce Tehupeiory
The land problem is getting increasingly complicated because it involves land mafias who commit organized crime, making it difficult for their crimes t

Mercury Problems In Gold Mining In Indonesia: Political Ecology Review
Mutia Izzati ,Soeryo Adiwibowo ,Etty Riani
In Indonesia, the phenomenon of gold processing using mercury is a complex phenomenon. This phenomenon links inter-sectoral relationships (environmenta

Administrative Authority as Common Sense Logic Against Charges That Are Nullified by Law
Asmak Ul Hosnah ,Sapto Handoyo Djarkasih Putro ,Lilik prihatini
The concept of legal protection for suspects, as stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), is based on the objective of enacting the Criminal

Analysis of the Influence of Variables on the Self-Reliance of Kyrgyzstan Residents Application of the Decision Tree Analysis Method
Young Chool Choi ,Jungsun Choi ,Jinsaem Lee
The aim of this study is to measure the degree of self-reliance of local residents in Kyrgyzstan. The study draws on the results of a baseline survey f

Social media use in promoting indonesia's traditional foods during covid-19 pandemic
Santi Susanti ,Dian Wardiana Sjuchro ,Rachmaniar ,Fitri Perdana
This study aims to reveal the use of social media in promoting traditional Indonesian cuisine in the East Priangan area during the COVID-19 pandemic.&n

A New Paradigm to Managing Higher Education through Collaborative Learning
Nur Aedi
The authors consider in this literature review that the collaboration skill is one of the most needed skills in the 21st century which can b

The Right Of Ownership By The State In The Acceleration Of Public Infrastructure Development (A Philosophical Study of Land Ownership Rights by the State in the Convergence of Justice and Legal Certainty)
Elyana Novira ,Prima Resi Putri ,Zarfinal
Article 33 paragraph (2) and (3) of the 1945 Constitution explains that the Right to Control is the only material right that is explicitly granted by t

Religious Moderation in Indonesia: Study of Astronomy Implementation Toward the Baha'i Introduction System in Indonesia
Rusdin Muhalling ,Muhammad Hasbi
Purpose: Bahai Calendar is a thought and modification of religious figures that is Bahaullah (the chapter). Theoretical framew

The Phenomenon Of Limitation Of Polygamy In The Perspective Of Islamic Law And National Law In Indonesia
Dri Santoso ,Asnawan
Purpose: Polygamy is an inseparable part of human history, has been practiced by most of the nations in the world. In Europe, Asia, Africa. Islam came

Islamic Philantrophy: Zakat Study is the Tax Dimension Of Social Worship Perpektif Farid Masdar F Mas'udi And its Relevance to Tax Policy in Indonesia
Dr. St. Halimang, M.H.I
Problems of poverty is the result of the distribution of income and wealth is not evenly distributed in the middle of our society. Economic thinking ha

Village Government Policy System Through Bumdes to Achieving Community Welfare
Nitaria Angkasa ,Yuswanto ,Budiyono
Purpose: Presidential Regulation No. 57 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goal

Rural Development in The Post-Covid-19 Outbreak; An Empirical Evidence of Indonesian Village-Owned Entreprises (VOE) Stakeholder
Miftakhul Choiri ,Purbayu Budi Santosa ,Edy Yusuf AG
This study aims to identify stakeholder roles and strategic factors in rural area development through VOE in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era. Matrix of

Discerning the Effects of Marxism with special Reference to the protagonist in the Mohsin Hamid’s “Moth Smoke
Dr Anshika Makhijani
Class stratification is the most inquisitive social factor which is produced by economic status of the people. These economic issues reveal class separ

Discipline Sanctions And Code Of Ethics Concerning Divorce For State Police Members Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Yuyut Prayuti ,Ahmad Sopiyan Hidayatulloh ,Reza Muhammad Rostandi
The purpose of writing achieved is to find out the procedure for filing for divorce for Members of the Indonesian National Police and to find out the a

Competence And Implementation Of The Independent Learning Curriculum In 21st Century Learning
Hoerul Umam ,Deden Mulyadi ,Rikza Priawan
This study aims to find out how the implementation of the 21st century independent learning curriculum is implemented. The implementation of 21st centu

Ict-Based Pai Learning Model
Fitriyani Kosasih ,Neng Ely Alawiyah ,Ai Habibaturrohmah
This research is motivated by the demands for teachers to carry out ICT-based learning. This research is a type of field research or research field. Th

Consumerism And Consumer Protection
Redi Nusantara ,Augusty Tae Ferdinand ,I Made Sukresna
Consumerism has become an important issue in consumer behavior. Consumerism is known as a social movement to strengthen the rights and power of buyers

Legal Policy Model For Pollution And Environmental Damage Control In The Bangka Belitung Islands Province
Maryano ,Syafri Hariansah
This research aims to find out the application of regional regulations in the Bangka-Belitung Archipelago Province. The main problem in this research i

The Effectiveness Of Pow+Www W=2 H=2 In Strategy In Narrative Text Writing: A Study In The Level Of Senior High School
Zulfikri Betyar Rasuan
In the process of English learning, writing skill seems to be the least ability possessed by the students as well as in Indonesian context. Prior studi

Undue influence in the AgreementBased on Indonesian Civil Law and Islamic Law
Adlin Budhiawan ,Budi Sastra Panjaitan
Agreement is an agreement or approval. Agreements may not be made due to an oversight or obtained under coercion or fraud. Based on the provisions of A

Legal analysis of the principle of utilization of law in granting remission for convicted corruption criminals as reviewed from law number 22 of 2022 on corrections
Asep Sapsudin ,Ahmad Ali ,Yauman Sarif
Corruption crimes clearly pose hazardous and disturbing consequences for society, particularly in terms of the country's finances and economy. The impa

Management of strategic innovation competence improvement of students through the teaching factory learning model at the center of exellence vocational school (Descriptive Study at Center of Exellence Vocational School in SMKN 4 and SMKN 9 Garut)
Asep Rudiana ,Iim Wasliman ,Hendi ,Ida Tejawiani
Center of Excellence Vocational School is a comprehensive breakthrough aimed at responding to challenges in the context of improving the current condit

Information and communication technology and its contribution range to the application of the environmental management system ISO 14001 a field study of the opinions of managers in the Badush Cement Factory altawsie
Ali Miyasar Baker Al-Sabawi ,Majed Mohammed saleeh
The current study aimed to determine the extent to which information and communication technology contributed at the Badoush Cement Plant tawse, where

The role of e-marketing in adopting the requirements of the blue ocean strategy an exploratory study of the opinions of managers at Carrefour Company
Emad Sameer Nimat Haddad ,Maged Mohammed saleeh
The study aimed to measure the effect of e-marketing as an independent variable represented by its dimensions (website design, electronic advertising,

Review On Tourism Competitiveness Strengthening In Order To Strengthen International Balance Of Payment
Anak Agung Bagus Putu Widanta ,Made Kembar Sri Budhi ,Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja ,Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari
A deficit in the International Balance of Payments (BOP) will lead to volatile food and commodity prices, low savings ratios and the financial sector w

The Legal Position Of Intellectual Property As Bankruptcy Property And Its Management And Settlement By The Curator
Dhaniswara K. Harjono
In insolvency, the Curator is in charge of managing and settling the boedel of bankruptcy property. The forms of bankruptcy property vary, one of

Legacies Of Chief Obafemi Awolowo And His Contributions To Educational Development In Western Nigeria
Alexander C. Ugwukah, Ph.D ,Abiodun A. Adesegun Ph.D2
This paper takes an incisive inquiry at the historical trajectory of Awolowo’s socio-economic and philosophical intervention in the educational devel

Rights And Obligations Of Foreigners Under The Afghan Laws
Toryalai Hemat
According to the Afghan laws, foreigners are given the same rights as domestic citizens in all areas except political rights. Based on the provisions o

The Effect of Job Satisfaction And Organizational Communication On Employee Performance At PT. X During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Desi Pujiati
Changes in work situations during the Covid-19 pandemic and company policies regarding business continuity have impacted employee performance. This stu

The Need To Have A Uniform And Codified Law In Saudi Arabia
By Dr. Hussain Agil
This paper tackles the lack of uniformity in the applications of criminal law in Saudi Arabia (SA) which results in inconsistencies in decisions and fu

Violence Without Victory In Sub-Sahara Africa: A Muse Of Ghana’s Election 2020
Awaisu Imurana Braimah
The aftermath of Ghana’s election 2020 witnessed series of protests mainly from supporters of the biggest opposition party (the NDC) instigated by pa

Coordination Control System One Community One Park Programin The City of Bandung
Pandji Santosa ,Slamet Parsono
The problem in this research is that the coordination of the One Rukun Warga One Park (1 RW 1 Park) program in Gedebage District, Bandung City is not o

Community Involvement in the Democratic Process Analysis on General Elections in Indonesia
Muhadam Labolo
Elections (Pemilu) are one of the important mechanisms in a modern democratic system that allow citizens to elect their representatives in government.

Suspicious Thinking and its relationship to self-blame among kindergarten students
Zainab Alwan Jassi ,Enas Muhammad Mahdi
The current research aims to identify Suspicious Thinking and its relationship to self-blame among female students in the Kindergarten Department. To a

The Impact of Diplomacy and Public Relations on The Foreign Diplomatic Relations of The United Arab Emirates
H.E Shatha Saeed Ali Allay Alnaqbi ,Aminurraasyid Yatiban ,Abbas Ramdani
Diplomacy and public relations play a significant role in shaping the foreign diplomatic relations of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE has activ

Rumors on Social Media Networking Sites and their Impact on Emirati Youth
Alya Saleh Alhajeri ,Dr. Kumural Zaman bin Haji Yusoff
The growth of rumors in social media has become a significant issue across the globe. Even the youth is well-aware of the wide dissemination of unverif

The trends of studies mathematics learning in elementary schools the perspective of bibliometric analysis
Eliva Sukma Cipta ,Kokom Komalasari ,Budi Rohdiyana Rahmat ,Dede Nurlaela ,Nur Badiah
This study aims to explore trends in the direction of research that is developing in the field of elementary school mathematics learning. This study us

The effect of using the discovery learning model assisted by phet simulations on student learning outcomes
Usep Suherman ,Tuti Komalasari ,Peny Yulia Rahman ,Widiatmi ,Anin Yuliani
This research was motivated by the low science learning outcomes of fourth-grade students in mis Darrul Qolam Kabupaten Bandung. Science learning shoul

Strategies in learning adaptive behavior development of children with intellectual disabilities through role playing methods at slb ar rahman bandung
Emay Mastiani ,A.Del Piany ,Andriana Mah Bengi ,Dinar Sigar Falah ,Riri Lestari Suryani
Adaptive behavior is a person's ability to be able to adjust to norms or standards that apply in their environment. As not everyone is able to behave a

Principal academic supervision in improving teacher performance (analysis of principal supervision yamisa senior high school soreang)
Yusuf ,Puji Rahayu ,Rudiansah Sidik Permana
Principal academic supervision is an activity of coaching and observing and evaluating teacher performance in the teaching and learning process. This s

Good parenting training in managing child care at child social welfare institutions in the city of bandung
Agus Sutardi ,Heru Sujiarto ,Usep Kosasih ,Rianti Cahyani
Child Welfare Institutions/Orphanages are institutions engaged in the social sector to help children who no longer have parents. Good parenting in thes

Training managementinformation and communication technology (ict)for improving student digital literacy
Muhammad Nawawi Fathullah ,Ulfiah ,Agus Mulyanto ,M. Andriana Gaffar
This research examines the management of ICT training to improve students' digital literacy at BLK Islamic Boarding School al-Mizan-Majalengka. This re

Analysis Of The Corona Word In German Newspaper In 2020 Based On Corpus Linguistics
Sri Kurniati Almucharomah ,Pratomo Widodo ,Wening Sahayu
Massive coverage of the Corona virus around the world has caused the word "Corona" to be more familiar to the ear. Likewise in Germany, this virus has

Steammer Mass Ecoprint Tool Engineering In Improving Batik Production Skills
Endang Tjahjaningsih ,Dewi Handayani Untari Ningsih RS ,Dwi Budi Santoso ,Mohammad Riza Radyanto
Beginner entrepreneurs who are members of the "Sanggar Batik Rakyat" (SABARA) need the ability to always improve their competence and potential so that

Local Wisdom Of Lubuk Larangan In Maqashid Al-Sharia's Review On The Welfare Of Community Pidoli Lombang Village
Elwardi Hasibuan ,Yurmaini
The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of the bottom of the prohibition in realizing sharia maqashid and its role in improving the welf

Research on the Correlation Between Carbon Performance and Carbon Disclosure in China
Ying Hou ,Hanbo Zhu
The majority of data and knowledge on the how Carbon Disclosure (CD) impacts a firm's real Carbon Performance (CP) has not increased in parallel with t

The Political And Legal Determinants Of CALD Communities: An Unhealthy (Modern) Healthcare Paradigm
Khaled Al-Kassimi ,Angela TH Kwan ,Jacob S Portnoff ,Heena Akbar
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) groups experience disproportionately poorer health outcomes in Canada and Australia due to a secular-human

Career Development Patterns to Improve Lecturer Performance and Quality at Indonesian Private Universities
Dharliana ,Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo ,Suherli Kusmana ,Asri Laksmi Riani
This study aims to determine the factors that have a significant influence on lecturer performance. The performance of lecturers within the scope of hi

Building pancasila student profiles through social science cluster subjects
Endang Komara ,Tri Sukmono Joko PBS
Schools as educational units have a major role in the formation of the Pancasila Student Profile (PPP), where schools are limited living communities wh

The ability to learn the skills of planting spinach hydroponic wick system for mild mental retardation children class vii in slb b-c bina kasih bandung city
Lilis Suwandari ,Egie Songo Agung Stiadi ,Feri Irawan ,Jamilatul Mufidah ,Sri Wulan Ayu Zimbaran
Skills are the human ability to use thoughts, ideas and creativity, change or make something into more value so that something has more meaningful valu

Understanding of Accounting and Internal Control of the Prospects of Implementing sak emkm-Based Financial Statements for msmes in the Teras Malioboro 2 Area, yogyakarta City
Ahmad M Ryad SH ,Anivah Sari ,Euis Latifah ,Nisa Nurlatipah ,Yeggie Irfian
The role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is very meaningful in developing the Indonesian economy, because the MSME sector has proven to

Guidance and Counseling Management in Improving Needs Fulfillment and Solving Student Problems at SMAN I Cisarua, West Bandung Regency
Ayi Najmul Hidayat ,Nurul Aidah ,Muhamad Fikri Ghifari
Guidance and counseling management can support the achievement of guidance and counseling goals. In several high schools there are still many students

Analysis of islamic junior high school teacher pedagogic competence in implementing independent learning curriculum in bandung
Abdul Holik ,Nenden Maryati ,Zul Andrivat
Pedagogical competence is a competency that must be possessed by all Islamic junior high school teachers. Implementation of the Independent Curriculum

Improving learning achievement of pai students at nusantara islamic university through increasing self-confidence, motivation, and communication
Iskandar Mirza ,Aam Ridwan Mustopa ,Sodikin
This study was conducted based on the complaints expressed by final year students in the Islamic Religious Education Program at the Faculty of Islamic

Internalization process of religious moderation values in improving student islamic character
Mastuhi ,M. Darmawan A. Aziz ,Asep Rahmat
Education is an integral part of people's life and the main factor in the formation of the human person. In this era of globalization and the rapid adv

The importance of scientific writings for teacher rank advancement
Fitriyani Kosasih ,Muhamad Abduh ,Usep Yunus
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the lack of competence of teachers in writing scientific papers, which causes delays in promotion to fu

Perceptions of Accountability in the Management of School Operational Aid Grant
Yosal Iriantara ,Idan Darmawan ,Iwan Setiawan
The policy of providing financial aids called the School Operational Aid Grant (SOAG) to educational units in Indonesia is sufficient to help many educ

Implementation of digital-based character education In elementary school
Wiwik Dyah Aryani ,Yunarti Safitri ,Ai Nuryanah
The development of science and technology in today's digital era has affected various areas of life, including education in elementary schools. This st

Islamic Religious Education Teacher Strategy in Improving Qur'an Reading Ability of Students of SMK Medina Bandung City
Endi Suhendi ,Moh.Minanurrohman ,Nurzabidin
This research was motivated by the fact that there are still many Muslim students at the vocational level who have not been able to read the Qur'an pro

Management of Parental Guidance in Learning Islamic Religious Education in Relation to Children's Learning Achievement at School Qualitative Descriptive Study at Islamic Junior High School Tarogong Garut
Marwan Setiawan ,Asyifa Nur Rohmah ,Oom Komalasari
Good or bad child guidance is determined by the parents. Family guidance management is very influential on the intelligence and learning achievement of

Revitalization of mgmp program to improve paedagogic competence of high school science teachers (sma)
Salim Munajat ,Iim Wasliman ,Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar ,Yosal Iriantara
Seeing the reality on the ground, the performance of the MGMP IPA in Karawang Regency in its performance as a teacher professional organization has not

Implementation of Prayer Worship Learning Through Demontration Method on Multi Disability Visual Impairment Students in Improving Practice Skills of Prayer Worship (Case Study in Class Ii Slb N-A Pajajaran Bandung)
Teti Ratnawulan Surtiati ,Heri Mujianto ,Asep Dani Alamsyah
In reality there are still people in Indonesia who view Children with Special Needs inappropriately. Multi Disabilities Visual Impairment or MDVI

Management of Learning System to Improve the Quality of Student Learning in chemistry subjects in Senior High School: Case Study SMA Negeri 8 and SMA Taman Siswa, Bekasi City
Hartanto Triwahyono ,Dadang Suherman ,Waska Warta ,Ujang Cepi Barlian
The background of this research is: the low availability of physical facilities, the low quality of teachers, low student achievement, and a decrease i

Community Participation in Making Public Policy According to the Perspective of Constitutional Law
Rustam HS Akili
In the legal process, it is necessary to have community participation in making public policies, it is not enough just for the government's authority.

The Effect of Stress Level on Learning Achievement of First Year Students of Medical Faculty During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Catur Setiya Sulistiyana ,Uswatun Khasanah ,Suherli Kusmana
This study aims to anticipate the effect of the stress level of first year students at the Faculty of Medicine, University on their academic achievemen

Communicating Organizational Culture Through the Website at The 2022 Indonesia Public Relations Award-Winning Institution
Heru Ryanto Budiana ,Aang Koswara ,Fajar Syuderajat ,Lutfi Khoerunnisa
Understanding culture in the life of higher education organizations is a challenge. Communicating science sometimes clashes with complex organizational

Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Policy to Improve the Competence of Private University Graduates
Sukirno Sukirno ,Iim Wasliman ,Ade Tutty R Rossa ,Okke Rosmaladewi
The role of tertiary institutions is needed in preparing superior human resources that are able to compete globally. Universities must adapt quickly in

Labour Laws and Overseas Workers in Gulf Countries: An Overview
Rohit Kumar Rana
The Gulf countries have a significant number of overseas workers. These workers face a range of challenges related to their working conditions, wages,

The translation of the absurd in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot into Arabic under the test of theatricality
Jamila Chtioui
This article is devoted to the study of theatrical translation, more specifically, the translation of the theater of the absurd into Arabic. The object

An analysis of objective imputability in the metaverse, from the perspective of conventional law.
Genesis Robles Zambrano ,Geoconda Del Rocío Garcia Sanchez ,Sheila Jazmin Macias Cedeño
In a globalized world, the development of new augmented reality technologies through 3D makes it necessary for the Law to adapt to these new spaces and

Analysis of the forgery of legal documents in civil and criminal proceedings
Genesis Robles Zambrano ,Cinthya Mariela Cajas Párraga ,Jose Fabian Molina Mora
The present investigation intends to carry out an analysis on the falsification of documents that are often used as evidence in judicial processes, whi

Analysis of the legal regularization of the rights not recognized to homoparental families in the issue of adoption
Ingrid Joselyne Diaz Basurto ,Wendy Geovanna Jímenez Andrade ,Keila Lisseth Zabala Balladares ,Nathaly Kasandra Moncayo Morlas
The constitutional statement that limits persons of the same sex to participate in adoption processes, is a discriminatory constitutional rule, therefo

Comparative analysis of the typification of the crime of femicide and its aggravating factors between Ecuadorian and Venezuelan legislation
Ingrid Joselyne Diaz Basurto ,Carolaine Cristina Rivadeneira Chagcha ,Elian German Pesantes Cusme
The main purpose of the article was to make a critical and reflective comparison of the classification of the crime of femicide and its aggravating fac

Compulsory placement in addictions rehabilitation clinics A look at the infringement of the right to Liberty
Dr.Iván Xavier León Rodríguez ,Lic.Gisela Monserrate Lagos Vélez MsC
This scientific article analyzed the aspects concerning the forced internment in rehabilitation clinics for people with addictions, allowing a look at

Constitution of popular and solidary economic organizations in post-pandemic for the Ecuadorian economic reactivation
Gaspar Santos Manaces Esaud ,Gilma Nelly Rivera Segura ,Zambrano Olvera Marcela Anarcaly ,Triviño Vera Karen Clemencia
The popular and solidarity economy is imposed as a new economic system that leaves aside the corporate interests of capitalism and focuses on human bei

Contributions of soft law to international law in dealing with global problems
Pamilys Milagros Moreno Arvelo ,Geoconda Del Rocio García Sánchez
The research addresses the contributions of soft law to international law in the solution of global problems, assuming that these problems transcend th

Ecuador and digital justice in time of the covid-19 pandemic
Aguilar Martínez, Mario Ramiro ,León Burgos, Gabriela Paulina ,Paredes López, Julio Alfredo ,Gordillo Cevallos, Diego Patricio
The paper analyzes the situation of Ecuadorian digital justice in the face of the ravages caused by COVID-19, considering that the different organizati

Influence of the validity of the COGEP on speed in justice
Ing Erika Paola Gavilanes González Mg ,Dr Marcelo Alejandro López Zea Mg ,Dra Lila Galicia Chávez Fonseca ,Abogada de la República del Ecuador
One of the great problems that justice faced is the slowness in resolving conflicts, which generated inconvenience since the requests for unnecessary f

Legal analysis of crimes against freedom and sexual integrity: rape and other related crimes
Crespo-Berti ,Luis I; Araúz Chavarría, Bienvenida ,Guanoluisa, Francisco ,Solá, Miguel
The purpose of this work was to analyze from the focus of formal illegality by the protected legal object such as crimes against sexual and reproductiv

Motivation of Pretrial Detention Orders issued by the Judges of the Criminal Unit in Santo Domingo 2022
Tuqueres Romero Miryan Patricia ,Benavides Salazar Cristian Fernando ,Ned Vito Quevedo Arnaiz ,Gallegos Gallegos Simón Bolívar
It is important that the judges abide by the constitutional and legal provisions on an adequate motivation and foundation of the sentences, enunciate t

Pregnant women and the ignorance of their rights as a priority attention group
Ab Juan carlos arandia zambrano. Msc ,Joao jossué ramos rivera ,Andrea estefania rosado osorio
Ecuador currently has a so-called "priority attention group" defined by article #35 of the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador as a select group of

Sexual freedom in ecuador and its conception in the law a recognition or an attack on fundamental rights
Mónica Andrea Salame Ortiz ,Carlos David Cepeda Luna ,María Lorena Merizalde Avilés ,Vinicio Genaro Jordán Naranjo
The Constitution of Ecuador, supreme normative text that contains the rights of all Ecuadorian citizens, makes a special recognition to the Rights of F

The factors that prevent women from having gender equality in the workplace in Ecuador
Ab Juan carlos arandia zambrano.Msc ,Daniela alejandra núñez acosta ,Victor ariel palacios vistin
Over the years, various scientific studies have highlighted inequalities. There are several factors that do not allow women to develop their career 100

The right to defense in the preliminary investigation phase in criminal matters, with notification to the public defender's office, without any action
Diego Francisco Granja Zurita ,Israel Emiliano Montenegro Bósquez ,María Cristina Espín Meléndez
The Ecuadorian state has been recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador as a constitutional state of rights and justice, which implies

The suspension of the substance of the procedure in crimes of violence against women or members of the family nucleus and family stability
Genaro Vinicio Jordán Naranjo ,Fernando José Caicedo Banderas ,Dayana Vanessa Naranjo Hilaño
The suspension of the stability of the procedure in crimes of violence against women or members of the family nucleus and the family, covers physical a

Political Leadership and Societal Security (Originating Study)
Mustafa Hassan Awad ,Firas Abdel Karim Al-Bayati
Countries have seen since ancient times the emergence of leaders in various forms (political and religious) that directly affected the process of their

Guarantees For Civil and Political Liberties in Tunisia After the 2011 Revolution
Sumaya Dham Kadhim ,Dr. Ahmed Abdallah Nahi
The Tunisian revolution of 2011 did not come without fundamental causes, nor was it an accident. Rather, it was the culmination of a long struggle for

Society’s Recovery (A theoretical study of Inputs and Problematics)
Mohammed Muhi Aljanabi ,Ahmed Ghaleb Muhi
To manage their development and reconstruction efforts within a multi-use action plan that is flexible and comprehensive enough to meet the needs of po

Exploring Developmental Local Government As A Strategy For Municipalities In South Africa
T Ramodula ,K K Govender
This research is based on a conceptual framework that represents the vision of developmental local government as the ideal form of local government env

Development Of A Psychospiritual-Based Tot Model To Treat Oppositional Defiant Disorder Children
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a persistent pattern of negativistic, hostile and defiant behavior without any serious violation of social norms

Defence Economics In Indonesian “Semesta” War Strategy
Cosmas Manukallo Danga ,Ivan Yulivan ,Novki Asmoro ,Erita Oktasari ,Lukman Yudho Prakoso
The strategy of the Semesta War is part of an Indonesian National Defense System. The purpose of this study is to show that the strategy of the Semesta

Justice Based Criminal Law Enforcement in the Implementation of Prudential Banking Principles on Banking Crime Management
Paltiada Saragi
The application of prudential banking principles in practice is very complex, given the many banking management activities. In addition, based on the p

Assessment Policy and Determination Of State Losses By The Corruption Eradication Commission In Committing Corruption Crime
Maju Posko Simbolon
The criminal act of corruption is a crime that has an impact on all fields, not only on the existence of state finances but also on the economic impact

Development of Vocational Learning Program to Process Seaweed for Class Xii Mild Intellectual Disability Children at Slb Negeri Cipatujah Tasikmalaya Regency
Maman Suherman ,Yati Sri Susanti ,Guspianti ,Fahmi Faisal ,Angga Prihadi
Every living human being is required to seek knowledge, one of which is through education. Intellectual disability are classified based on their level

The Effect of Playing Jelly Beads in Improving Fine Motor Skills for Class Iv Children with Mild Intellectual Disability at Slb C Sukapura Bandung City
Argiasri Mustika ,Nopebriyanti Sigalingging ,Putri Ayu Komala ,Salsabil Nurrahma ,Siahaan Elsa Miracle Sundame
This study aims to improve fine motor skills of children with mild intellectual disability. The supporting media used in this study used jelly beads /

Preparation of Vocational Assessment Instruments in Training Skills to Make Ecoprints with Pounding Techniques for Class Xi Children with Mild Intellectual Disability at Slb Rifaliana Majalaya, Bandung Regency
Lilis Suwandari ,Muhammad Jafar Sidiq ,Rama Dwi Putra ,Ihsan Ahmad Faisal ,Dahana Fatza Waisa
Vocational skills are part of the concept of life skills in the school system. To develop children's potential to have skills so that they can compete

Educator Recruitment Mechanism in Improving Quality at Al Aitaam Education Foundation Bandung Indonesia
Helmawati ,Toha Konidin ,Apriadi Manan Firman
Educators as human resources are staff who play an important and strategic role in efforts to improve the quality of education. Qualified educators wil

Tatanen Program in the Project of Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students in Purwakarta Indonesia
Helmawati ,Raden Yulyul Yulianan Hastuti ,Nana Ismelani
Tatanen at Bale Atikan is a character education movement to foster awareness of ecological life in caring for the earth and studying the earth, so that

Implementation Regulations on Academic and Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 of 2014. (Article 76c) Concerning Child Protection as a School Principal Strategy in Preventive Efforts in School Bullying
Asep Sapsudin ,Maman ,Aep Saepulloh Syam
The focus of this research is , first , Strategy What Which done by Head Al-Khoeriyah Vocational School, Tasikmalaya City in preventing bullyi

Chief Clinical Supervision Management of Junior High School Improving Teacher Performance in Garut District
Supyan Sauri ,Raden Riki Barkah Zulfikar ,Sutisna
This study aims to describe how the implementation of clinical supervision carried out by junior high school principals improves teacher performance at

Effectiveness of Implementing Restorative Justice in Resolving Land Disputes
Asep Sapsudin ,Ilyas Suryana ,Deny Chandra Pramana
The purpose of writing that you want achieved is to find out the characteristics of land crime cases that can be resolved based on Police Regulation Nu

Teacher Professional Competency Improvement Management in Realizing Quality School (Qualitative Descriptive Study at SMPN Cirebon City)
Lukman Hakim ,Ulfiah ,Waska Warta ,Deti Rostini
This research is motivated by the low professional competence of teachers, which causes the quality of implementation and achievement of educational go

Describes the Ritual of an Actor's Performance Within the Context of the Play Ya Mary
Anas Zuhair Hanan ,Prof. Dr. Nashat Mobarak Sliwa
The liturgy is a ritualistic religious term based in its form on the practice of celebration and forms of organized collective worship. It is aesthetic

Effect of reward, punisment and performance onwork satisfaction at gojek drivers (go ride drivers)in bandung
Jajang Suherman ,Al Lika Fauziah ,Siti Aisyah Nur Wahyuningrum ,Siti Tita Nurpadilah ,Widyawati Dwi Wahyuni
PT Gojek Indonesia is a company engaged in online transportation services or better known as online motorcycle taxi. The means of transportation used a

Implementation of Guidance and Counselling Management in Improving the Quality of Education at SMAN I Lembang, West Bandung Regency
Ayi Najmul Hidayat ,Saepul Muhaidir ,Yuliani
Implementation of effective management of guidance and counselling will support the improvement of the quality of education in schools. There are still

The implementation of national standard policy madrasah ibtidaiyah education
Ifah Khadijah ,Rohendi ,Atep Gunardi
The implementation of National Education Standard at the level of madrasa in the fact still found various problems, they were, the low grade of graduat

English learning management in improving the quality of speaking skill (Qualitative Descriptive Study at Nahdlatul Wathan Bogor High School and Azzhahiriyah Islamic High School Bekasi)
Romdanih ,Iim Wasliman ,Hendi Suhendraya ,Deti Rostini
The general research objective is to identify and describe the quality management of speaking skills in English language learning at Islamic boarding s

"Strategic Management of Course and Training Institution Leaders in Improving the Quality of Graduates in South Kalimantan”
Slametno ,Sofyan Sauri ,Hendi ,Waska Warta
The implementation of LKP is still faced with several problems, including the fulfillment of infrastructure and learning processes, in this case the hu

The Arabic language subject book analysis for the third intermediate grade in light of knowledge economy skills
Muqdad Sattar Jarad ,Abdul Hassan Abdul Amir Ahmed
The upcoming research aims to shed the light: on the knowledge economy skills included in the Arabic language school textbook for the third inter

Exploring the Link between psychological safety, creative self-efficacy, and employee Innovation Behavior in China's e-commerce industry
Jiaqi Zhang ,Siti Rohaida Binti Mohamed Zainal ,Shuya Xing
Innovation and creativity are essential for success in this market because of its rapid expansion and fierce rivalry. A proactive mentality in employee

(The Fragile State and Its Similar Concepts)
Sally Saad Mohameed ,Ahmed Abd Alla Nahi
The international concern about the fragile State, and the effects it reflects in international policies, led to the emergence of many different concep

A brief investigation of English language teaching and learning techniques applied to higher education students
Cristina Paola Chamorro Ortega ,Esthela Isabel Colcha Guashpa ,Angela Cecibel Moreno Novillo
Several decades ago, the English language has become a necessity for countries that do not have English as their mother tongue, attracting the attentio

The Co-Operation among European Right Wings Populist Parties and the Zionist Right Wings
Khudier A Dhlaky ,Emad Salah Al Shik Dawood
The research reviews the historical development of the relationship and cooperation between the European extreme right-wing populist parties and the ri

Impact of legal standards on logistics management in the context of sustainable manufacturing
Juan Diego Erazo Rodríguez ,Bryan Guillermo Guananga Rodríguez ,Eugenia Mercedes Naranjo Vargas ,Raúl Gregorio Martínez Pérez
A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variables Legal Standards and Sus

Opportunities For Applying Clustering To Ensure The Sustainable Development Of The Agricultural Sector In The Karabakh And Eastern Zangazur Regions Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan.
Anar Huseynov ,Gulnara Quliyeva ,Mushfiq Huseynov ,Elmir Mahmudov ,Gulnara Huseynova ,Fidan Babayeva
The modern economic system is based on the deepening of globalization processes, development with innovative foundations, the application of scientific

Economic variables and their impact on NATO's military doctrine
Fadel Ahmed Fadel Al Madhas ,Dr. Ali Hussein Hamid
Following the end of the Cold War, and the acceleration of globalization of the economy, this shift in the economic methodology of many countries of th