Legal Protection Of Workers' Human RightsThrough Ratification Of The Ilo Convention
Workers' Rights – Conventions – Enforcement ,
The ratification of the ILO convention on the basic rights of workers has made a commitment to the Government of Indonesia to consistently implement workers' human rights. The commitment is basically a guarantee of protection for workers to be free from forced labor, guarantees of the right to associate, guarantees against the elimination of discrimination. Human rights and democratization are issues that have received sharp attention from the international community, because they have penetrated into various aspects of social, national and state life. This issue is a complement to globalization and market liberalization which is directly related to the employment aspect. As for this type of research is normative, the research specifications used in this paper are descriptive analytical, with a normative juridical approach, which is a method carried out by examining library materials or secondary data, and the results of this study explain that, the development of labor law politics It is impossible to be separated from this world trend and on the other hand, in the reform era in Indonesia, there has also been a very basic paradigm shift that has a direct impact on the world of employment. The combination of international influence and national political developments has brought about a very significant paradigm shift in the field of employment in the protection of workers' rights.