The impact of self-and functional congruity of Indonesian Halal tourism destinations on the behavioral intentions of Muslim tourists

Nina Dwi Setyaningsih ,Nur Asnawi
Keywords: Self-congruity, functional congruity, Muslim tourist behavior, Halal tourism destination ,


Halal tourism is currently an important issue in the travel and tourism literature because more and more Muslim tourists prefer to visit tourist destinations that match their personality. This study investigates the impact of image congruence (self and functional congruity) on attitudes and behavioral intentions in Halal tourism destinations. The survey sample is 308 customers who visit 8 priority tourism destinations and resorts in the city of Malang. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the validity of the conceptual model. The results show that self-congruity and functional congruity are antecedents of customer attitudes and behavioral intentions of Muslim tourists. Halal tourism marketers in Indonesia are advised to design brand positioning strategies and marketing segmentation from a new perspective. Further studies can be carried out among Muslim tourists in different geographical areas, including other cities in Indonesia.