Investor's Rights and Impact on Foreign Status in Investment Act No. 13 of 2006

Yassin Kadhum Hassan Al-Mawla ,Abdul Rasoul Abdul Reda Al Asadi
Keywords: Investor, rights, investment, capital ,


Investment affects and is influenced by the legal norms and economic factors of each country, so it was the subject of legal and economic interest. Also, the investment law is supposed to come in harmony and print of that nature. Stimulating investment requires attracting foreign capital, which requires internationalizing investment relations and disputes by freeing them from the provisions of the national laws and courts of the investment host State. The lesson for an investment international is for foreign capital, not for the nationality of its owner. This was emphasized by the rules governing investment and the distinction between investors is not based on nationality but based on the source of capital to benefit from the privileges, exemptions, and facilities granted by the host State.