The problem-based contextual learning: an analysis of effectiveness through students’ learning result

Siti Aisyah ,Azwar Ananda ,Siti Fatimah ,Heri Effendi ,Salman M. Noer ,Muslim, Budi Setiawan
Keywords: problem based contextual, learning model, effectiveness, history subject ,


This present study aims to examine the effectiveness ofProblem-Based Contextual Learning model from students' result of learning history subject at SMAN 3 and 4 in Padangsidimpuan city. The students' result of learning were collected by the design of experimental and control class with the pretest and posttest. The students’ learning resultwerethen analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro Wilk technique to clarify the effectiveness of Problem-Based Contextual Learning model. The statistic calculation of the difference value between pretest and posttest denotes a raise of learning result by using the Problem-Based Contextual Learning model. The effectiveness test shows a normal distribution for both schools and class designs, which all significant values is bigger than 0.05. Besides, the effectiveness is also represented by a homogeneous distribution for both schools and class designs, which all significant values is bigger than 0.05. This study proves that the Problem-Based Contextual Learning model is an effective model to raise student’s learning result in history subject.