Checking the Unchecked: An Argument for Stricter Policies Governing Social Media Use and Abuse in the 21st Century
Auhoud Sultan Alshehail
Social Media, New Media, Media Law, Sovereignty, Governance, censorship. ,
Since its inception in the early 2000s, social media has been powerful through unregulated force for social interaction, idea generation, and the galvanization of social and political movements. In Cyberland, geographic barriers have been lifted, and individuals can mingle, cooperate, and participate collectively towards common aims and common goals. This article exposes the existing gap between social media use and social media regulation by providing the context on how social media has democratized communication and flattened the playing field of influence, and on the same time, it also has complicated governance oversight and regulation. It identifies instability and conflict within society due to failure in regulating social media. Finally, the paper has put an argument for regulatory modifications that can be made to better ensure that social media and its use adhere more closely to its original aim as a democratizing, unifying international force for good.