The Application Of Civil Procedural Law In Pretrial Lawsuit Disputes Against The Position Of Suspects In Indonesia

Hendri Jayadi
Keywords: Civil Procedural Law, Pretrial, Suspect's Position ,


Based on Article 1 number 10 jo. Article 77 paragraph (2) of KUHAP does not clearly and unequivocally regulate the validity or not of the determination of a suspect as an object of pretrial lawsuit so that in pretrial lawsuit disputes the application of civil procedural law is used because in the settlement of civil disputes it is easily accessible and effective to defend legal rights. This study aims to determine the application of civil procedural law in pretrial lawsuit disputes against the position of suspects in Indonesia. This research uses normative juridical methods because it aims to answer problems as an effort to find new concepts, principles and ideas in the field of legal science, then the library method is also used to obtain supporting data by collecting, analyzing, organizing, sources derived from, articles, books, reports, and other research related to the research conducted. The results showed that the importance of applying civil procedural law in pretrial lawsuit disputes against the position of suspects because it helps guarantee the rights of suspects fairly.