Teacher Professional Competency Improvement Management in Realizing Quality School (Qualitative Descriptive Study at SMPN Cirebon City)

Lukman Hakim ,Ulfiah ,Waska Warta ,Deti Rostini
Keywords: Management, Qualitative Descriptive Analysis, Teacher Competence, Quality Schools. ,


This research is motivated by the low professional competence of teachers, which causes the quality of implementation and achievement of educational goals to be less than optimal. There are various factors that affect the performance of a teacher. The four competencies that must be possessed by teachers are pedagogic competence, personal competence, professional competence and social competence. Two of them are considered to be serious and crucial problems, namely pedagogical competence and professional competence, but this research focuses on teacher professional competence. The purpose of this study was to find out, describe and analyze the management of increasing the professional competence of teachers in creating quality schools. The theory used in this study is the management theory of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Planning for increasing teacher competency in realizing quality schools has been carried out in accordance with planning theory through the formulation of goals, strategic steps, educational programs and standardization of goal attainment. (2) Organizing the improvement of teacher competence in realizing quality schools has been carried out through activity components, division of tasks and determination of authority. (3) Guidance on increasing teacher competence in realizing quality schools has been carried out through a process of guidance and motivation to achieve goals. (4) Coordination of increasing teacher competency in creating quality schools has been carried out through communication and coordination. (5) Supervision of increasing teacher competence in creating quality schools has been carried out through monitoring and evaluation as well as measuring and improving achievement. The conclusion of this study is that the management of increasing the professional competence of teachers has been carried out in accordance with management theory to improve the quality of graduates and create quality schools through planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising.