Revitalization of mgmp program to improve paedagogic competence of high school science teachers (sma)

Salim Munajat ,Iim Wasliman ,Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar ,Yosal Iriantara
Keywords: Revitalization, MGMP Science and Paedagogic Competence of teachers ,


Seeing the reality on the ground, the performance of the MGMP IPA in Karawang Regency in its performance as a teacher professional organization has not been fully empowered. These limitations can be seen from the lack of optimal involvement of MGMP IPA members, lack of coordination between administrators, and limited attention from education stakeholders. In addition, due to the lack of roles that MGMP can perform, the ability of teachers to teach as indicated by the indicators of student success is still low. From some of the descriptions above, the purpose of this study is to find out how to "revitalize the MGMP Program to Improve the Paedagogic Competence of High School Science Teachers in actual terms through the management theory approach "POAC" from GR Terry Specifically this research describes and analyzes about (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementation and (4) assessment of MGMP IPA. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach, data collection by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation studies as well as validation of research results. The results showed that the Revitalization of the MGMP Program to Improve the Paedagogic Competence of High School Science Teachers in Karawang Regency went through the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. The success of MGMP in realizing the above goals is indicated by the success of its management. Meanwhile, the factors that influence the success of organizing the Karawang Science MGMP are the leadership role of the management, member participation and coaching of the education office. At the implementation stage, member participation in MGMP activities is one of the determining factors for the success of MGMP, because in principle in the evalution of MGMP IPA activities, members' participation in each activity programmed by MGMP from the teacher himself is based on mutual motivation to advance and improve his professional abilities. However, MGMP IPA Karawang in the research results still has obstacles to infrastructure and costs so that MGMP IPA has not run optimally. In this case, the results of the MGMP Revitalization can be successfully carried out if it is supported by all parties involved in the organization. For this reason, it is very important in determining the clarity of the elements and functions of each part in the organization