Implementation of digital-based character education In elementary school

Wiwik Dyah Aryani ,Yunarti Safitri ,Ai Nuryanah
Keywords: Implementation, Character, Digital. ,


The development of science and technology in today's digital era has affected various areas of life, including education in elementary schools. This study aims to explore and describe the implementation of digital-based character education in elementary schools. This research is a qualitative descriptive analysis using literature study method. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of digital-based character education in elementary schools is carried out through three continuous cycles, namely planning, implementing, and evaluating which is carried out through behavioral assessment. The implementation model uses integration in learning, exemplary, habituation, and the creation of a conducive school climate. In implementation there are still various obstacles and difficulties, but they can be overcome by increasing cooperation between the principal teacher and education staff, as well as with parents at home. Therefore, it is recommended for various parties to cooperate and collaborate in the implementation of digital-based character education in elementary schools, in order to produce optimal learning outcomes.