Consumerism And Consumer Protection

Redi Nusantara ,Augusty Tae Ferdinand ,I Made Sukresna
Keywords: Consumerism, green consumerism, self regulation, consumer rights. ,


Consumerism has become an important issue in consumer behavior. Consumerism is known as a social movement to strengthen the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers. There are three institutions that have a major role in consumerism, namely consumer organizations, governments and companies. Consumer organizations provide information and advocacy to consumers. The government is responsible for regulating and legislation consumer rights. Finally, companies have their own role to enforce selfregulation on consumerism.

Consumerism has evolved into green consumerism. This means that consumers emphasize attention to environmental issues. Consumerism has major implications for marketing management in a company. One of them is paying more attention to producing safe products by the company. Developed countries implement consumerism in their daily corporate strategy while developing countries regard this as a new problem that has emerged.