Penal guarantees for the improvement of the offspring of farm animals
Thamer Ramadhan Ameen ,Ammar Abbas Al-hussaini
penal guarantees, farm animals, livestock, food security, production ,
Increase the productivity of farm animals such as (cows, sheep, goats, poultry, fish) by increasing the quantities of red and white meat, milk and its derivatives, eggs, wool and leather as a raw material for national industries and others in order to keep up with scientific developments in the field of geology. Through the Ministry of Agriculture's programs, to make a significant contribution to keeping up with the steady increase in the population and to enable the greatest number of them to obtain the productivity of this wealth from meat, milk, and eggs in a simple manner proportional to their limited monthly income, as well as the role of penal protection by making the criminal penalty a punishment that takes away freedom and the financial penalty a punishment that takes away money, it makes sure that productivity goes up which is good for food security and national wealth.