Management of Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development in Improving Teacher Perfomance Productice

Mantri Karno Diharjo ,Hendi S Muchtar ,Yosal Iriantara ,Deti Rostini
Keywords: Management, Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Performance ,


This research is motivated by the low pedagogic competence of teachers, so it is necessary and important for the role of the principal in developing teacher pedagogic competence in accordance with laws of the republic Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, laws of the republic Indonesia No.14 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, laws of the republic Indonesia No. 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competency. The general aim of this study was to obtain an overview and analyze the management of pedagogical competency development in improving the performance of productive teachers in Computer Network Engineering at Kosgoro Vocational School and Nusantara Vocational School in Bogor City. Specifically, to find out, describe and study about: 1) Planning for teacher pedagogic competency development, 2) Organizing coaching, 3) Implementation of coaching, 4) Supervision of coaching, 5) Obstacles to coaching, 6) Coaching solutions. The research method used is a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out by collecting all information, reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The theory that supports this research is the Grand Theory of management, coaching, competence, performance and six value systems. The results of the study show that management of pedagogic competency development to improve teacher performance has not had an optimal impact, namely: (1) Development planning to improve teacher pedagogic competence already has a 5-year program formulation and annual coaching program (2) Organizing teacher competency development to improve competence teacher pedagogic was prepared by the School Team (3) Implementation of teacher pedagogic competency development was sometimes not in accordance with the programmed schedule/time and established procedures (4) Supervision of teacher pedagogic competency development had been carried out by the Principal by recommending suggestions to teachers for make follow-up plans, both for improving teacher pedagogical competence, the learning process, fulfillment of the 8 SNP and the quality of the SMK itself. (5) Obstacles in the implementation of pedagogic competence development include: Lack of competent teachers, Teachers have not fully utilized the data obtained from coaching and Teachers have not carried out their duties according to their duties and functions. (6) Solutions made to overcome obstacles and obstacles in the implementation of coaching are: Maintaining communication, the principal recommends the results of coaching, sharing good practices regarding knowledge and experience with other productive teachers and utilizing information technology. The conclusion in this study is that the development of pedagogic competence in improving teacher performance has been partially implemented in accordance with national education standards, but has not run optimally, so that the increase in productive teacher pedagogic competence in Computer Network Engineering is less significant.