Online-Based English Learning Management in Improving English Communication Ability of Pts Students

Nanang Mustaram ,Iim Wasliman ,Hanafiah ,Deti Rostini
Keywords: English Learning Management, Online, English Communication ,


This research is due to the concerns of graduate students who are not proficient in communicating in English, according to the demands of the times and global competition. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze English Language Learning Management in Improving English Communication Skills of PTS students with qualitative methods. The results of this study reveal that: (1). Planning of Online-Based English Learning in Improving PTS Students' English Communication Skills, with good planning through a clear vision, mission, goals and programs as well as scheduling will be able to improve students' English communication skills; (2). The organization of Online-Based English Learning in Improving the English Communication Skills of PTS Students, hierarchically through the organizational structure and the existence of a teaching team will help the implementation of online-based English learning proceed according to the plans that have been made; (3). Implementation of Online-Based English Learning in Improving PTS Students' English Communication Skills, guided by the curriculum, schedule, lesson plans and implementation of online learning by appointing permanent English lecturers or guest lecturers as native speakers will train and improve students' communication skills; (4). Evaluation of Online-Based English Learning in Improving PTS Students' English Communication Skills, to improve and perfect the online-based English learning process on a regular basis (evaluations are carried out every semester); (5). The inhibiting factors encountered in implementing Online-Based English Learning in Improving the English Communication Skills of PTS Students, both human resource barriers, infrastructure (ICT) and PTS policies must have good alternative solutions so that online-based English learning can run according to what has been planned. planned; (6). Solutions made in Online-Based English Learning in Improving the English Communication Skills of PTS Students, it is better if there is a solution in terms of human resources, facilities and infrastructure (ICT) and PTS policies so that the quality of PTS graduates, especially students who can communicate in English can be achieved; (7). The Impact of Online-Based English Learning in Improving the English Communication Skills of PTS Students, this has an impact on the quality of learning that is carried out online so that students' English skills increase.