A Study on Origin of Caste System and its Effects in Present India


  • S.Nivetha
  • Dr. Marimuthu U


Discrimination, Caste, Social institution, Untouchability, Secularisation, Equality, Society.


Castes are most often stratified by race or ethnicity, economic status, or religious status. This concept of caste system was first found in the Rig Veda system where the caste system is popularly called as Varna System. In Purusha Sukta, various developments and distinctions of the caste were mentioned .Existence of Caste system was mentioned in manusmriti and four tier system varna system was mentioned in Mahabharata. Caste is a difficult and complicated social institution that mixes a few or all factors of endogamy, hereditary transmission of occupation, social class, social identity, hierarchy, exclusion, and power. The objective of the research is to analyse how they feel about the caste they were assigned, To determine reasons behind the cause , effect and solutions to combat caste system. The research method followed here is empirical research. A total of 227 samples have been taken out of which is taken through convenient sampling. The sample frame taken by the researcher through online methods and also nearby people’s. The Independent variable taken here is age, gender, education qualification, occupation. The dependent variable opinion about the caste they were assigned, level of awareness towards the prevalence of caste system, difficulties faced by the ancient people, and finding the cause and effect of caste system. The statistical data used by the researcher is correlation analysis and graphical representation. The major findings behind the analysis are that most of the people feel subordinated with caste and illiteracy is the major reason behind the cause of caste system and it found that economic and cultural equality is the solution to combat caste system. Nowadays, due to industrialisation and technology developments, there is a suppression of the caste system and complete removal of untouchability in the society and the reason behind the changes is due to modern education, equality, liberty fraternity and secularisation.


