Establishment Of a Land Bank to Realize the Area Equitable Food Security in Indonesia


  • Rahayu Subekti
  • Adi Sulistiyono
  • Diah Pawestri Maharani
  • I Gusti Ayu Gangga Santi Dewi


This study aims to analyze the establishment of a just agricultural food area land through a land bank institution. The method used is normative juridical law research, where the approaches used are conceptual and statutory. The Statute approach reviews all regulations related to the problems faced, and the conceptual approach uses the study results to build legal opinions that are used in solving legal issues. In establishing a just food security area through a land bank, it is necessary to harmonize the relevant laws and regulations because it will cause potential disharmony in its implementation. There is harmonization in the regulation related to the establishment of the food security area because it contains what is a land bank guarantee in the availability of land to realize a just economy, namely agrarian reform, land consolidation, national development interests, social interests, and public interests. The Government should immediately make a Presidential Regulation on land banks so that the establishment of a just food security area can be realized immediately, considering that food is a fundamental right for citizens


