Legal Protection Model for Consumers of Service Users’ Passenger Transport Pt Mrt Jakarta


  • Erifendi Churniawana
  • I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani
  • Lego Karjoko


This study aims to determine whether the Consumer Protection Law has provided legal protection to users of the Jakarta MRT transportation services. Besides that, it is also to find out how far the Jakarta MRT is in handling operational disruptions that cause harm to passengers. This research is descriptive normative legal research. This research uses a qualitative approach. Types of legal materials that are secondary legal materials. In this study, the techniques of collecting legal materials are collected, namely: library research and cyber media. In analyzing this legal material, the writer uses descriptive qualitative methods. Based on the study, it was obtained that the Consumer Protection Law has provided legal protection for PT Jakarta MRT. The consumer protection law applicable in the provisions described in the regulation is the obligation of the railroad implementing agency, namely PT Jakarta MRT, in the event of a disturbance to evacuate, refund, and secure equipment following security and safety aspects.


