Obstacles to transportation in the Erbil city and future ambitions (A field study on transportation obstacles within the Kurdistan region and proposals for its development)



  • Dashti Hussain Ali


Transportation in Erbil, Citizens' satisfaction, transportation fee.


This research was conducted in the city of Erbil and was allocated in public garages
for passenger transport between governorates and internal transport Four hypotheses were
taken for the research. The first hypothesis: Is there citizen satisfaction with the
transportation administration according to the opinions of the research sample. The second
hypothesis: Is there citizen satisfaction with the prices of transportation and transportation
according to the opinions of the research sample The third hypothesis: there is a significant
relationship between citizen satisfaction and prices on transportation (there is a positive
relationship Statistically significant between the variable (citizen's satisfaction with
transportation) and the variable (citizen's satisfaction with transportation methods) The
reality of transportation in the region.The results showed that for Hypothesis 1, we accept
the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis As for Hypothesis 2, we reject the
null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis As for hypothesis 3, there is no
relationship between the independent variable (citizen’s satisfaction with prices) and the
dependent variable (citizen’s satisfaction with the transportation administration), and finally,
hypothesis 4, there is no significant effect of the variable satisfaction on prices on the
variable of satisfaction with transportation methods by relying on the insignificance of the
correlation coefficient between the two variables


