Invention Tradition on Subak Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site, Jatiluwih, Bali Island, Indonesia
Invention tradition, subak, cultural landscape, world heritage site, science & technology studies, Jatiluwih,Abstract
The traditional investment of the Subak Jatiluwih area into a tourist destination is strengthened by its recognition as a Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site, so that it has become a tourist destination equipped with facilities, amenities, and accessibility in this area, and made Subak one of the marketing icons in a tour package. However, this traditional invention causes instability in the existing social structure, such as land conversion and conflicts of interest between farmers and tourists, Banjar managers, Jatiluwih tourist attraction management, and investors who threaten the sustainability of Subak. This study used a qualitative method with interview techniques, observations, and literature studies which show that the process of heterogeneity of the relationship between Science, Technology, and Society actors reached its peak after being registered as a Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site, which includes Pura Danu and the Pakerisan River Basin, including Jatiluwih in 2012.