(The Fragile State and Its Similar Concepts)



  • Sally Saad Mohameed
  • Ahmed Abd Alla Nahi


The international concern about the fragile State, and the effects it reflects in international policies, led to the emergence of many different concepts of State fragility, and it was not long before academics and experts pointed to the ambiguity of the term, so this study and the theoretical frameworks used to activate this concept, distinguish between the approximate concepts of the fragile State, and support the critical view that most of the current analytical models lack solid theoretical foundations, which leads to confusion between types of States, and on the other hand that the State may stop at one stage, reconstruct itself, rectify its situation and restore its basic capabilities, the stages through which the State progresses to the collapse in three stages according to the chronological order: the weak State, the fragile State, the collapsed State, the weak and the weak State, and the weakened, and the fragile State may become, and become fragile, and become fragile and fragile, and become the State.





