Effectiveness of Implementing Restorative Justice in Resolving Land Disputes



  • Asep Sapsudin
  • Ilyas Suryana
  • Deny Chandra Pramana


The purpose of writing that you want achieved is to find out the characteristics of land crime cases that can be resolved based on Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of Crimes Based on Restorative Justice and to find out the effectiveness of implementing Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of Crimes Based on Restorative Justice, on criminal acts land use in resolving land disputes. Therefore the research method includes research specifications, namely analytical descriptive, normative juridical approach methods, through the library research stage, namely researching and studying secondary data obtained through library research data collection techniques, which are then analyzed secondary data. juridical-quality f. This study produces conclusions first, the effectiveness of implementing Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice, on land crimes in resolving land disputes including cases of land crimes that are mild in nature and do not significantly harm the victim or the community. secondly, the characteristics of criminal cases of land crimes that can be resolved based on Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of Crimes based on restorative justice can be seen from several factors, including the participation of the parties, the quality of the facilitator, trust in the process , the quality of the agreement .





