Development of Vocational Learning Program to Process Seaweed for Class Xii Mild Intellectual Disability Children at Slb Negeri Cipatujah Tasikmalaya Regency



  • Maman Suherman
  • Yati Sri Susanti
  • Guspianti
  • Fahmi Faisal
  • Angga Prihadi


Develeopment, Program, Seaweed, Mild Intellectual Disability


Every living human being is required to seek knowledge, one of which is through education. Intellectual disability are classified based on their level of intelligence, one of which is mild intellectual disability. Children with mild intellectual disability in general look or physical condition is no different from normal children in that their education requires skills for self-sufficiency. Learning programs for children with intellectual disabilities are focused on skills, one of which is seaweed processing skills. This skill program has been implemented but is limited meaning that the implementation of the program is maximum and needs to be developed, the research aims to obtain an overview of the development of vocational skills programs to process seaweed to be useful and can be a reliable skill This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, data obtained through interviews, observation, documentation, FGD and validation. The results of this study show the ability of children with intellectual disabilities in participating in skill learning activities to be able to follow well, learning programs compiled by researchers and teachers are outlined in making more specific programs assisted by teams using the form of syllabus detailed in the Lesson Plan. The resulting form of learning program development includes the allocation of time, subject matter, material and media. This research is recommended to teachers to increase dedication and competence in learning activities.





