Coordination Control System One Community One Park Programin The City of Bandung
Control, Coordination, 1 Hamlet 1 Park Program, GedebageAbstract
The problem in this research is that the coordination of the One Rukun Warga One Park (1 RW 1 Park) program in Gedebage District, Bandung City is not optimal. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze in depth how the coordination of the 1 RW 1 Taman program in Gedebage District, Bandung City. The theoretical approach used according to G.R Terry in Hasibuan (2009:86) consists of four dimensions, namely: orderly synchronization of effort, timing and directing, harmonious, and stated objectives. Based on this theoretical approach, the researcher formulates the proposition that the coordination of the 1 RW 1 Taman program in Gedebage will run optimally if it carries out the dimensions of ability of regular synchronization efforts, time management and guided, harmonious, and set goals. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data obtained through literature study, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of the study showed that the coordination of the 1 RW 1 park program in Gedebage District had obstacles in its implementation. Efforts have been made to overcome these obstacles by increasing the performance of related officials and the main one is the Bandung City Housing and Settlement Areas, Land and Landscaping Office (DPKP3) in encouraging the community to participate more actively in the success of the 1 RW 1 Park program. Carry out coaching to increase knowledge in handling the coordination of the program to Gedebage District officials so that they are able to carry out their duties and responsibilities properly.