Islamic Philantrophy: Zakat Study is the Tax Dimension Of Social Worship Perpektif Farid Masdar F Mas'udi And its Relevance to Tax Policy in Indonesia
Zakat, Taxes, Perspectives of the Quran.Abstract
Problems of poverty is the result of the distribution of income and wealth is not evenly distributed in the middle of our society. Economic thinking has been to formulate and provide solutions on how poverty occurs and can be viewed from several aspects of socio-economics is no exception. Zakat can be an instrument of economic and social welfare for the people, as well as with tax position which is just as important as one source of state income. Tax and zakat, when integrated in a concept and a clear legal rule, is believed to improve the economy of Indonesia. This paper is a literature-based study, we adopted theme is "Assessing Zakat Social Dimensions of Worship in Perspective Al-Quran". In this paper, there are three questions: First, how the concept of Zakat. Second, How Taxes concept. Third, how is the Tax Zakat view in perspective of the Al-Quran.