Role of students in sustainable achievement 17 Development goals to prepare Golden generation in 2045



  • Deti Rostini
  • Liesna Nurul Widyaningrum
  • Endang Siti Julaeha


Sustainable Development Goals; Golden Generation; Differentiation Learning student project; Design for Change


The role of students is very important in preparing the 2045 Golden Generation which provides solutions to global problems. The purpose of this study is to prepare students to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through learning that focuses on differentiation with the United Nation's Compassionate Model (WAMUN) activities, and the FIDS portfolio project. UNESCO says Education for Sustainable Development refers to a process that uses education to provide people with the necessary skills to become leaders and engage in processes of change toward sustainability. This qualitative descriptive research was conducted by collecting data from the My World module project learning at Peacesantren Welas Asih and conducting interviews with students and teachers to find out how students play an active role when building the world's future. The active role of students in every activity held can facilitate students to learn and understand SDG, as well as create innovative and inclusive solutions to solve environmental and social problems in the world through discussions, simulations, and real projects. Students can improve communication skills, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. The conclusions from this study indicate that by understanding the important role of students in differentiation learning to achieve the SDG, namely by helping students understand and provide solutions to overcome global problems.


