The Recent Practice Of Identity Politics In The Contesting Of Democracy In Indonesia


  • Anyualatha Haridison
  • Yuwanto


party, politics, identity, democracy, contestation


The purpose of this study is to analyze the practice of identity politics in the context of democracy in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative by using documentation data based on readings of relevant theories and research results and conducting interviews with political party figures, government officials from political parties, political observers, and various parties who are always in contact with practical politics in Indonesia. The research was conducted in Central Kalimantan as the research center point and Jakarta as the political epicenter in Indonesia. The research was conducted from June to October 2022. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that politics in Indonesia cannot be separated from identity politics because most parties are intentionally labeled as party identities. Democratic, nationalist, regional and religious political parties have their own identities so that identity politics is never separated from the democratic system in Indonesia. 


