Quality improvement management of private islamic religious education through empowerment of educational personnel (Study at the Operators Forum of Islamic Religious Colleges in Kopertais Region II West Java)



  • Arif Rahman
  • Ulfiah
  • Nandang Koswara
  • Ahmad Hori


management, quality, Private Islamic Religious College, educational staff


This research is motivated by the low quality of Private Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIS) in West Java. This can be seen from governance, accreditation of study programs and institutions, functional positions of lecturers, outputs and achievements of the tri dharma of tertiary institutions and the still low empowerment of educational staff. The general aim of this research is to find out the management of improving the quality of private Islamic religious higher education institutions in West Java through empowering educational staff. While the specific objectives of the research are to find out: (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementing, (4) evaluating, (5) inhibiting, and (6) solutions to improve the quality of Private Islamic Religious Colleges in West Java through empowerment educational staff. This research is based on grand theory, namely management theory, middle range theory, namely quality theory, and operational theory, namely empowerment theory. The approach used is a qualitative approach and the method used is descriptive method. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Sources of research data consist of foundations, PTKIS leaders, lecturers, and educational staff. The results showed that improving the quality of Islamic Religious Colleges in West Java through empowering educational staff had been carried out in the form of appointing education staff to work units according to the needs of PTKIS, but the empowerment was not optimal and was only incidental. The conclusions of the research are: (1) the planning for the empowerment of educational staff is planned in the Strategic Plan, RIP, and SOP, (2) the organization includes the existence of a staff organization structure in each PTKIS and the existence of forums such as the West Java Islamic Higher Education Operators Forum (FORPTI). ; (3) implementation is carried out through training programs, workshops, and improving the qualifications of educational staff; (4) the evaluation is carried out from the input, process and output performance of the education staff; (5) inhibiting factors include the limited funds allocated for the development of training, frequent changes to training, lack of leadership supervision, lack of information on improving the quality of training and the not optimal development of Kopertais; 6) solutions to overcome obstacles to improving the quality of PTKIS through empowering educational staff, including increasing the welfare of educational staff, providing work facilities, increasing educational qualifications and promoting to become permanent lecturers.


