Management of balanced literacy approach as an effort to strengthen early literacy proficiency: a case study in early children's education units in kota bandung



  • Anna Farida Kurniasari
  • Ade Tutty R Rosa
  • Muhammad Andriana Gaffar
  • Rianti Cahyani


early literacy, balanced literacy approach, strengthening literacy skills, early childhood education


Literacy skills must be mastered by children as early as possible for the purposes of learning at school and their life in society. Therefore, a well designed literacy learning process is needed to strengthen early childhood literacy skills. This study analyzes the experience of PAUD (PendidikanAnakUsiaDini or Early Childhood Education) teachers in managing a balanced literacy approach in the classroom as an effort to strengthen early literacy. This research refers to the literacy processing theory by Marie Clay (Ronning, 2020: 17) about the acquisition of literacy skills in early childhood. The methodology used is the qualitative case study involving two PAUD units in the city of Bandung. Analysis is held to the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating the balanced literacy. The result of this study is the management stages carried out by teachers starting from planning balanced literacy activities, coordinating with fellow teachers and parents, carrying out literacy activities in class according to the components of balanced literacy approach, and conducting evaluations.


