Implementation of unit management standards in improving the quality of paud services in al irsyad al-islamiyyah kindergarten and baitul maqdis kindergarten



  • Anita Kresnawaty
  • Iim Wasliman
  • Hanafiah
  • Faiz Karim Fatkhullah


implementation, management standards, service quality improvemen


The success of an educational concept is highly dependent on the commitment to make a positive contribution to improving education services for students, the problems that arise are related to the Implementation of Unit Management Standards in improving the quality of Early Childhood Education services in broad terms related to the Understanding of Principals/PAUD Managers in making Program planning is not based on the characteristics of each unit. Guidance from Foundations and Supervisors/Supervisors of the Office of Education to School Principals/Managers in the implementation of work plans and Program Supervision of PAUD units is not optimal and the use of the surrounding environment is not optimal in partnerships so that when viewed from management standards, the quality of PAUD units still needs to be strengthened in management. The research method in this research is descriptive analysis which is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to research on natural object conditions, where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize the meaning of generalizations. PAUD units have implemented standard management of unit management in improving the quality of early childhood education (PAUD) but have not been based on a full management concept. The PAUD unit has carried out the management of the PAUD unit in an effort to improve the quality of PAUD services by carrying out activities and fulfilling PAUD unit management standards that refer to the Education Unit Work Plan and National Education Standards, but are not yet in accordance with the Actuating concepts carried out by experts in implementing the process education, health, nutrition, care, care and child protection services that need to be carried out simultaneously, systematically, comprehensively, integrated and continuously to support optimal growth and development in order to create healthy, intelligent and characterized children as future generations who are qualified and competitive.


