Policy Implementation of Pollution Control of The Citarum River Watershed (Study on Industrial Waste Pollution Control in Majalaya District, Bandung Regency)



  • Muhammad Firzah
  • Rita Myrna
  • Budiman Rusli
  • Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa


Policy Implementation, Citarum, Industrial Waste


The policy to control industrial waste pollution in the Citarum River has not been implemented optimally as indicated by the presence of industrial waste to date and the lack of community involvement and patterns of coordination that are less synergistic between the government and the community and between sectors in government. This study aims to determine the implementation of pollution control policies in the Citarum watershed. This study uses qualitative research methods, while the collection technique is carried out by exploring journals, books, observations and other information relevant to the study. The results showed that the implementation of the Pollution Control policy for industrial waste in the Citarum River Basin in Bandung Regency had not been effective because, first, in terms of standards and objectives, there were still several mandates from policies that had not been implemented properly in the field. One of them is regarding the optimization of massive stakeholder engagement which is still not optimal. This has resulted in information regarding objectives, standard measures and the concept of program implementation not being fully available to program implementers.


