Balinese Rural Women During the Pandemic Covid 19: From Zero to Hero (A Reflection on Household Livelihood Strategies in Bali Without Tourism)

Ni Made Tisnawati ,Khusnul Ashar ,Department of Economics, Brawijaya University ,Susilo
Keywords: Balinese rural women, work participation, informal sector, livelihood access, Pandemic Impact ,


For most people, Balinese women are identical to the beauty of Balinese dances. What actually happens is that Balinese women have three burdens that must be carried out in their daily life: economic workers, especially the informal sector, cultural guardians, as well as family caregivers. The Covid-19 pandemic has proven that Balinese women are capable of being the saviors of the family economy. This study examined the work participation of rural women in the informal sector that is influenced by access to livelihood capitals. It was conducted using a mixed method that involved data processing with Partial Least Structure approach and qualitative models (depth interview). This research was conducted in Gianyar Regency, Bali in 7 sub-districts with 399 respondents. The results of the quantitative research showed that physical-facility capital and social institutions did not have a significant effect. Human resource capital, natural resource capital, and finance had a significant effect on the rural female labor participation. The implication of this research is that a wider role is needed for rural women in economic decision making and village resource management to achieve inclusive rural economic development