Strengthening Wildlife Trade Legislation In Curbing The Spread Of Zoonotics Diseases Through Empowerment Of Orang Asli From Malaysia Perspective

S.S., Sulaiman ,N.N., Ahlun ,S., Ishak
Keywords: Legislation, Orang Asli, Wildlife crime, Zoonotic diseases. ,


The evidence strongly suggests that the first cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak were reported in a market in Wuhan.  It is considered as the latest zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are a disease transmitted from domesticated animals or wildlife animals to human caused by virus, pathogens and bacteria. This transmission to human is made easier through wildlife trade both legal and illegal. The supply chain of illegal wildlife from the forest area, transportation to the open markets allows for natural spillover and spread as it escaped the sanitary control. However, wildlife trade generates a profitable income. As long as there is a demand for wildlife product either for a delicacies and traditional medications the spread of zoonotic diseases is deemed as a threat to the society. Legal mechanism alone is no longer sufficient to control wildlife crime. Therefore, this research suggests for empowerment of Orang Asli to strengthen the enforcement of law. This research employs a qualitative methodology.  The primary data will be analyzed using thematic and content analysis. Doctrinal and policy analysis will be used to analyze data collected from secondary source.