Management of basic training of calon pegawai negeri sipil (cpns) in order to improve the work performance of pegawai negeri sipil in bpsdm west java province

Lilis Mulyani Setiasari ,Hanafiah ,N Dede Khoeriah ,Agus Mulyanto
Keywords: Management, Basic Training, CPNS, Job Performance, Civil Servants. ,


This research is motivated by various performance problems of pegawai negeri sipil, namely work programs that are not completed, performance targets that are not achieved, dishonest behavior, employees who are absent, come late but leave early, and other events that are not as expected, resulting in the low quality of performance of pegawai negeri sipil (PNS). This research approach is qualitative research with a case study method. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that latsar planning is made by referring to the RPJMD and Renstra and is planned according to submissions from OPD which are reviewed in the training needs analysis. Organizing is arranged with a task division mechanism, regulated based on the Principal's decree relating to the Organizational Structure of the training management program which is generally understood and implemented by BKPSDM. The implementation of education and training at BKPSDM has been very well implemented, in addition to providing quality training for trainees, the committee is also very concerned about the health of participants. Supervision of basic training is carried out on a daily basis by class observers during distance learning, while during classical training supervision is carried out by pamong. Psychological barriers or bureaucratic culture faced by BKPSDM are generally due to the large number of participants while the CPNS time is only one year so that there is extraordinary busyness on the part of the organizers and facilitators (widyaiswara) and limited professional staff according to their fields. In overcoming obstacles to the lack of learning media, namely related to socialization before the implementation of careful preparation from the organizers and performance appraisers. Submission of information through socialization and letters and utilizing the class leader.