Implementation of transformational leadership in islamic boarding school to improve the quality of students: a case study in cirebon and majalengka cities

Tuti Alawiyah ,Ade Tutty Rokhayati Rosa ,Achmad Saefurridjal ,Andriana Gaffar
Keywords: transformational leadership, Islamic boardingschool leadership, Islamic boarding school students ,


Transformational leadership styles are increasingly popular to address increasingly complex and dynamic organizational challenges. This study aims to obtain an overview and analyze how the transformational leadership style is implemented in Islamic boarding schools in order to improve the quality of students. The basic theory of transformational leadership by Bernard M. Bass (1985) and the quality theory of Joseph Juran (1954) are used in this study. Qualitative descriptive analysis approach is used through interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies. The results of the study revealed that the studied boarding school had developed four components of transformational leadership which consisted of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intelectual stimulation, dan individualized consideration. The outputs of this implementation are students in becoming religious educators in formal and non-formal schools, continuing their Masters studies, carrying out community service at Islamic boarding schools, taking part in the community as religious movers, become speaker at taklim, and being active in organizations and politics.