The development of vocational skill programs to improve job readiness for students with mental disabilities

Eka Yuli Astuti ,Embun Fattikasari ,Rian Herdiana ,Rozan Ta’azul Maaruf ,Yayan Mardiyanto
Keywords: Development, job readiness, vocational programs, students with mental disabilities ,


Vocational education is closely related to life skills or life skills needed in society. Vocational skills are very important in education for students with mental disabilities to optimize their abilities towards independence in their lives. This study aims to develop vocational skills programs for students with mental disabilities to improve job readiness. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection is carried out through observation, interviews and documentation of the work of students. Data processing techniques are carried out with descriptive data analysis techniques that are used to analyze the meaning and findings that have existed before with the aim of describing and describing clearly and in detail the development of vocational programs for the mentally impaired in schools. The study was conducted in 3 outstanding schools and involved 6 students and teachers in those schools. This development research is carried out in two stages, namely the first stage to see the objective conditions of existing vocational skills programs and make program development plans. The second phase of research includes planning that begins with student assessment, program mapping and program implementation. Program planning which includes aspects of: 1) observation of the types of vocational skills programs;2) setting standards for learning outcomes;3) involving students in planning the implementation of vocational programs;4) making program materials based on processes in the real world; 5) project-based vocational skills programs; 6) integrating vocational skills programs into school communities; 7) real-world strengthening in the planning and implementation of vocational skills programs. The results of the program implementation are: 1) students with mental disabilities can carry out vocational skills learning with program materials that are adjusted in terms of content and learning methods;2) material adjustments in the form of task analysis; 3) the use of video tutorials as an attractive visual medium so that learning steps can be understood more clearly ;4) schools collaborate with parents and school committees both in the learning process and marketing the results or products of vocational skills learning