
Comparative analysis of the typification of the crime of femicide and its aggravating factors between Ecuadorian and Venezuelan legislation

Ingrid Joselyne Diaz Basurto ,Carolaine Cristina Rivadeneira Chagcha ,Elian German Pesantes Cusme
Keywords: violence, femicide, aggravating circumstances. ,


The main purpose of the article was to make a critical and reflective comparison of the classification of the crime of femicide and its aggravating factors between Ecuadorian and Venezuelan legislation. The research was approached under the qualitative approach, the analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, comparative law and legal hermeneutics methods were applied, the type of research turned out to be descriptive and explanatory, the applied research technique was the interview with a guide of interviews as a tool. The main conclusion of the work was that victims of violence against women need a truly efficient and effective legal instrument that materializes the prevention of violence against women and contributes to the eradication of these unlawful behaviors, therefore, femicide as The most atrocious and daunting expression of the forms of violence out of hatred for the condition of being a woman must have an adequate classification,  which is fully adapted to the gender perspective that protects the right of women to a life free of violence.