
Rural Development in The Post-Covid-19 Outbreak; An Empirical Evidence of Indonesian Village-Owned Entreprises (VOE) Stakeholder

Miftakhul Choiri ,Purbayu Budi Santosa ,Edy Yusuf AG
Keywords: VOE, Actor, Factor, COVID-19 Pandemic ,


This study aims to identify stakeholder roles and strategic factors in rural area development through VOE in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era. Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts: Tactics, Objectives, and Recommendations (MACTOR) analysis, are used to answer the research questions. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews with VOE stakeholders. The empirical findings reveal some factors determining the VOE's achievements. First, the finding evidenced that the Village Consultative Board (BPD), stakeholders that are the most important factor determining the VOE development, was the most important actor in VOE achievement. Second, the study finds also that during the COVID-19 outbreaks the performance of VOE was decreased, due to the weak coordination among stakeholders. Third, VOE development was limited during the COVID-19 pandemic era. This study's uniqueness is expected to be implemented in different areas with identical characteristics since the COVID-19 pandemic is equivalent to economic pressure or socioeconomic emergency. A new approach to stakeholders' involvement to analyze the VOE achievement is provided in this study.